Friday, September 7, 2018


I didn’t learn much this week because I didn’t come to school for almost two days. One thing that I learn is about how one thing can say something and also mean something else.

Monday, September 3, 2018


The article "Conscience of a Hacker" author want us to understand that the more curious we are the government think we are criminal. And they don't want us to know more then what we should. Then after we see some then what we should, they called us criminal. He also mention that they say that we are all the same when we are curious. Also that we should not be judge by how we look, what our religion is, or neither our nationality.

The part where the author say "Damn kids.  They're all alike". Shows that they don't want us so be different from the other kids who listen to where they are being told. And do everything in certain way. 

The part where the author also mention "We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals." explain that we shouldn't be judge by who we are but our action. The author doesn't want to be judge he is more curios then the others.

In conclusion, people who are being called criminal for wanting to know more can't be stop. We can show people more so that they won't look for more. There for we show support people who are curious.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Big Qustion

I wanted to know how it is in the after life? If I get the answer to the after life; it would make me look at life in a different way. I want to invent a portal to see the after life.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

How I learn

I manege my stuff by writing some of them in the my agenda. Sometimes I just take a picture of the things I’m supposed to do on my phone. I don’t really know how to manage my time. I would spend most of my time playin video games. But I would like to organize it so that I do most of work and at the same time enjoy my day.

Friday, August 24, 2018


Hello my name is Reynaldo. What I enjoy the most is playing video games. The game I play the most is Fortnite.